Here’s the latest newsletter of what’s going on behind the scenes at Kewford, and what we’re up to. As always, please let us know if these newsletters continue to be of use. This one has a fair amount of good news in it – and let’s start with a big announcement!
Kewford Eagles is now a Wolves official partner club
We’re delighted to announce - as you may already have read - a brand new partnership with Wolves, that we’ve been working on for some time and can now officially reveal.
Jack, head of local recruitment, came along to our recent manager’s meeting to talk about our new relationship with the club, and how Kewford and Wolves will be working together going forward.
You’ll be hearing more detail about this soon, but this opens up opportunities for young players, and Wolves will also be working with managers and coaches at Kewford to offer support for our volunteers. Wolves will also be looking to be setting up fixtures with Kewford teams too.
No other club within a 12-mile radius will be offered a similar partnership, and this is a huge deal for Kewford, that we’re hoping will enrich much of what we’re able to offer at Eagle Park.
With our new partnership with Wolves, this brings to an end our formal relationship with West Bromwich Albion, and we thank them for their support over the years.
Several players have already signed from Kewford to Wolves Academy. Hopefully, several more will be following!
Defibrillator equipment
Just a regular reminder, that defibrillator equipment is located next to the bar. If needed, the code is available from the café.
Manager and coach car park
Please note that the manager and coach car park area – for Kewford managers - will, going forward, require a car parking permit sticker. If you do not have one of those stickers, please don’t park in that area. Much appreciated.
A reminder too: no dogs, apart from assistance dogs, on Eagle Park.
We’ve been successful in securing funding for ten more sets of metal, Academy-standard portable goals. This is a huge upgrade for Eagle Park, and something we’ve been working towards for some time. It means that over the next few months, you’ll be seeing the goals appearing around the ground, and our plan is to phase out the plastic goals, and keep them for spares.
Buy a brick campaign
As part of a fundraising drive for the club, we’re introducing a new sponsored wall, for local businesses who want to support Kewford. A wall of stickers will be going up near the club house. Want to support it, or know a business that will? It’s £25 for the rest of this season, or £50 for next season. Contact your manager for more details (and if they can ask the committee).
Player of the match board
Also going up near the clubhouse, a new player of the match board is going up over the next week too.
Silent weekend
On February 25th and 26th it’s the second Silent Weekend trial that’s running. On this weekend, at all matches in the Stourbridge Leagues, it’s asked that parents watch in silence, and let the players play.
There will be two small changes, following feedback from last year’s trial. Coaches will be allowed to talk to players this time. Also, parents will be able to applaud players. Please though: no shouting from the sidelines on this weekend. Let the players play: the thinking here is to allow the players to have a voice without removing the safety net of having a coach on the touchlines if they feel they need support. Thanks for supporting this country-wide initiative.
A promise update on the pitch drainage situation, that’s seen an abnormal number of pitches at Eagle Park out of use over the winter. The problem with blocked drains on the A449 that runs alongside Eagle Park is now in the hands of the local council. A problem has been identified with at least one of the local drains so far.
We have also now got quotes for work on four pitches in particular over the summer (the ones that tend to be most affected by poor weather).
We’re aiming to get work underway at the end of June, subject to finance. Further updates will follow.
Further development
Following the pitch and goals work that’s been going on, just one or two longer term projects underway to make you aware of.
The front gates of the ground are in urgent need of replacing, and we’re costing that up at the moment. We’re also looking into a refurb/rebuild of the changing room area, but that’s a project we’re seeking funding for now.
The club's welfare officer is Becci Matthews. She's the point of call for welfare matters at Kewford, and can be contacted at
Diary dates
Finally, a few things happening at Eagle Park. The ground will close for weekly football from 2nd July to 31st July
- End of season presentation weekend is 17th/18th June
- Tournament weekend is 1st/2nd July [as always, we need lots of volunteers for this weekend: please step forward if you can]
- A food festival is taking place on 8th July.
As always, thank you for your support. Here’s to better weather and a lot more football in the weeks ahead!
The Kewford Eagles management committee