7v7 formations Advantages and Risks

At this age group there are no real right or wrong formations.

Focus on coaching players on their jobs roles within the formation rather  

than how to tactically play the formation  

Whenever there is a change in new formations it takes time for the players to learn, practice and understand. 

This time usually takes between 6-18 weeks for the system to be

 fully understood and implemented (depending on age, abilities and the individual coach-abilities)



+ Strong defensive structure 

+ MFs can help the DFs ands support ATs when needed

+ Provides width from the MFs 


- Heavy demand on the MFs

- Exposing two DFs if MFs have not got discipline to track 


- Possible lack of support for ATT when fatigue hits.



Similar to the 2-3-1 but this splits the CM and DMF as more of a defensive back three and the wingers and ATT

as an attacking unit. This is excellent if you have a DM that can hold up the ball and 

distribute it well the the front line. 


+ Provides a balanced structure between defence and attack

+ Wingers Provide width and support for the Attacker



- Risk of the team playing as two separate units creating gaps in the 

  midfield for the opposition to play into, especially if they play three in midfield.

- DM needs to have a good tactically and technical understanding to distribute the ball


It looks but not a purely defensive strategy! The three at the back provides a solid base to play out from the back and if you coach the the FBs to push up and tuck in, this will lead to the MF two to push up to support the lone ATT.



+ Solid defensive shape

+ Easier to build from the back

+ Helps offset better/Faster oppositions 



- Possible low numbers on the attack

- Higher tactical understanding to be coached and looking for trigger movements with each teammate 


What do the Academies do?

7v7 Combination Formations

It is often used in academies, they will use a formation when in possession (Red, attacking) and when in out of possession (Green, defending) this teaches players to adjust and adapt into recovering and attacking positions. 

- When the team is defending (out of possession)the will play three at the back with the two MFs sitting in a more central position.


- When attacking the two MFs push forward and wide to provide penetrating passes and splitting defensive units while the CD moves into a holding midfielder




Just wanted to give some basic understanding on 7v7 formations and the advantages and risks 

 Obviously there are around 2/3 more formations but I thought id focus on the most common